An Inspirational Piece About India Geography As A Model Of The Entire Planet

Has anyone ever asked you the question, 'What Is India Like?' If you know more than just about the great places to visit, then you certainly wonder what to exactly talk about. Should you talk about the climate? The conditions in the north, the subtropical areas, the desert regions of the west or the conditions of the southern area of the country, it can be hard to summarize. Perhaps you can talk about the Indian people, mention the array of languages, cultural practices, ethnicities or languages? Again, it can be hard to take this route without explaining extensively. Maybe you would decide to talk about the terrain of India, going through the vast contrasts between the south and the north, the highlands, flat lands, dry deserts, lush forests, the scorching cities, the lonely mountains and the tropical beaches. Again, how can this be summarized? Well, my point is that talking about India geography can be deemed more or less pointless. India is a very large country, and every aspect of its geography is no less. So, the only way to answer the question ' What is India like?'is by visiting and exploring the country yourself.
Now, I could talk about various facts about the south or the north, I could speak about the distinct cultures of Indian people, but I'm certain that you have read about this information somewhere else and this piece wouldn't add much value. So, instead, I'm going to make this post about India Geography more of inspiration rather than a random read clogging the internet and the minds of the readers.
Well, India can be considered to be a smaller version of our planet. In fact, it is treated as such as it is able to represent every aspect of earth. What do I mean? Well, it is possible to see and experience every sort of Earth's geography, at a small scale of course. You will come across deserts, arctic conditions, forests, rain forests, coast lands and more. And then there are the people. The civilization of India makes up roughly a fifth of the whole earth's population, with each and every religion and creed being represented in some part of the country. And languages, they are so diverse that a shared foreign language has to be used for proper communication.
If you take a close look at India geography, you will easily get a perfect insight of the world, to an extent that it almost tells you about our future on a species level. For instance, the high population of India and the tremendous overcrowding gives a clue as to how the rest of the world can be able to handle the exploding global population. Take a tour around any city or town in the country and you will witness a whole load of individuals. Take a look further and you will notice the infrastructure that seems to break at the seams.
Even with the great cities, beaches, breathtaking structures, caves, and parks, India is not without imperfections. You will notice vast amounts of waste, littered streets, and some destroyed ecosystems. Poverty is also an issue in the country as it is in other nations.

Well, the world as a whole might not be heading the same direction, but the environmental damage affecting the geography of India is an unfortunate omen of what is to come for the rest of the world. The disproportionate distribution of wealth, the dwindling natural resources, out of control population growth can quickly destroy the beauty of a country and the earth at a gradual rate. However, if we are environmentally conscious, then these issues can be curbed.
All in all, even with the imperfections, India remains to be one of the greatest countries in Asia, a place that boasts of diverse cultures and an array of destinations that can't be found anywhere else.